
Bowlera Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Bowling Leagues Constitution

All general playing rules of the BTBA will apply together with the following:

  1. League starts prompt at 6.00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Fridays at 12.00pm. bowlers must be at the centre at least 15 mins before bowling starts. Failure to be there by the time bowling is due to start will mean the matches starting without you. Any bowler that is late arriving can join their match provided it no later than the fourth frame. Remember, it takes up to 10 minutes to input all the names; if late, it means we do not start on time and Phil gets it in the neck for late starting.
  2. Leagues will consist of 8, teams. Fridays 9 teams
  3. Handicap shall be based on 75% of 210 on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 70 being maximum handicap. Starting handicap will be your average from the previous season, except new bowlers to the league whose handicap will be worked out after their first 3 games. If moving from one league to another your handicap will be based on your average from the other league you were in.
  4. Handicaps will change on a 7-weekly basis after the first 3 weeks have elapsed. This is the norm in most leagues in the UK. The first 3 weeks will not see any change in handicap, except for new bowlers, where their average will be adjusted after the 1st 3 weeks.
  5. Monies must be paid to Phil before bowling commences.
  6. Postponed matches must be given with 1 weeks’ notice to the league’s secretary by email and the opposition informed. Unless an emergency occurs.
  7. Cancelled matches: 3 options:
  8. Use a reserve player if one is available. (preferable)
  9. Play the match in advance if the other team is agreeable. (off your current hcap)
  10. The team that is available on the night will bowl their match on the allocated lanes. Their score will not be posted. The cancelling team have 4 weeks to play the match in their own time but the SAME TWO LANES MUST BE USED. And will be played off their current handicap, not the one when it was due to be played.
  11. The team that CAN bowl has the choice of the above options.
  12. Matches played in advance will play with their Hcap at the time and the result entered in the same week. These matches should be played on the lanes they were allocated in the schedule.
  13. To qualify for scratch and Hcap trophies you must bowl at least 33% of the games
  14. Reserve players are down to the individual teams to supply. NOT the secretary.
  15. Teams failing to appear will forfeit all points.
  16. Please, can ALL bowlers be reminded that you should not be on the approach cleaning your ball while another bowler on either lane to your left or right is on the approach preparing to bowl. It is distracting and poor etiquette. You should ONLY pick up your ball from the ball return once the bowler on the approach is out of line of sight. Better still, wait for him / her to bowl first. Then pick up your ball. There is no need to rush.
  17. If you require a refill of drinks, please do it AFTER a game not during it. This can upset the rhythm of bowlers and cause slow play. Or catch the eye of a staff member.
  18. If you have an issue with the lane, be ball jam, pins need replacing. Do not shout down the lane but come and see Phil. But WAIT until he comes off the lane and not interrupt him if he is on the approach.
  19. Respotting of pins. Pin to be respotted from where it was moved from and NOT from where it finished. Example: if the 6 pin slides across to near the 5 pin position, but the pin gets swept away. It needs to be replaced in its 6 pin position. This is why you should always keep watching until the sweep has done its job. Do not turn your back on the pins.
  20. Fees for the season are now 14€ of which 5€ goes to the prize fund. Subject to any increase by Bowlera.
  21. The league will bowl 4 times round for Tuesday’s 28 weeks and Thursday’s. 28 weeks. 3 times round for Friday’s 27 weeks. There will be a 1-week break after every 7 or 9 week circuit Except Thursday league. This is to enable make up or advance games to be played. Lanes will still be available for those that want to practice.
  22. Any team leaving the league before it finishes must have bowled at least 75% of the games to be entitled to any of the prize fund.
  23. There is an appeals / grievance panel in place for any bowler that has an issue they wish to raise that cannot be dealt with by the league manager. The league manager should in the first instance be notified of the grievance. The bowler will then contact one of team captains to arrange a captains meeting. They will then discuss and report back to the league manager and the bowler that raised the issue. If the matter is deemed to be of major importance that should involve all of the bowlers then a meeting will be arranged to discuss it.
  24. The results of the matches will be posted on the website sometime during the following few days. Usually the following morning.
  25. There will be a single copy of the previous week’s results, table, averages and new handicaps available every week.
  26. Prizes for all 3 leagues will be, with the winning team receiving 150€, 120€, 90€, 60€ all teams will receive something. 720€ will be split up and given to the top three ladies, men and teams in both the scratch and handicap sections. 20€, 15€ 10€. If the same person leads both, then the second place will win the prize in the handicap section. Prize for the highest team scratch score and highest team handicap score. If the same team wins both, the second placed team in the handicap section will win.  If a bowler or team are second in the scratch category but first in the handicap category, they will be awarded the first place handicap prize money. Whomever is in third for the scratch prize will receive second place money.
  27. As in ALL previous seasons since the leagues were started, there is a 10% contribution to the league manager for running the league. Plus 40€ for stationary and towards payment for the website hosting and domain name. This includes the domain name and hosting. It does not include the replacement of the toner cartridge. That cost will be split between the 3 leagues.
  28. As with every previous year a detailed copy of the prize fund total and how it is distributed will be handed out at the end of the season on presentation night.