
Below are the results and updated tables after the tournament on November 3rd.

The points awarded yesterday are as follows:-

Cat 1

Game 1.  Bob 3       Gary 2.      Phil 1

  1. Bob 3.      Gary 2       Keith 1
  2. Gary 3.     Phil. 2.      Keith 1

4   Phil 3.       Gary 2.     Bob 1

Total        Gary 6 points

Cat 2

Game 1.  John B  3.       Malcolm 2.     Roy. 0.5 and Alex 0.5

  1. John M 3.      Roy  2.             Neil. 1
  2. Geoff 3.         Malcolm 2.      Mark 1
  3.   Roger 3.        John B  2.        Alex, John M and Mark 0.33 each!

Total        Roger  6 points

Cat Ladies

Game 1. Barbara  3.     Annie. 2        Sue  1

  1. Annie. 3.       Sharron. 2.    Joan. 1
  2. Annie. 3        Norma  2.      Sharron 1
  3. Sharron 3. Annie 2.         Joan. 1

Total.      Annie 6 points

Therefore, the cumulative points tables after 3 Tournaments now look as follows:-

Cat 1.                Points

Gary.                   20

Keith.                  15

Bob.                    15

Ian.                      10

Mick.                    7

Phil.                      7

Trevor.                 7

Colin.                   4

Malcolm.             3

Barry H.               2

Paul Mid.             2

Hans.                   1

John M.               1

Rob.                     1

Cat 2.               Points

Barry H.              14

Roger.                 13

Dave P.                12

John S.                 9

Geoff.                   6

Roy.                      5.5

John B.                5

Malcolm.             4

Alex.                    3.83

John M.               3.33

Barry B.               3

Kev.                      3

Neil.                      2

Pete S.                 2

Simon.                 2

Mark.                   1.33

John C.               1

Cat Ladies.       Points

Sharron.             24.5

Annie.                  19

Cherry.                15

Les.                      7.5

Barbara.              5

Ginny.                  4

Lyn.                      4

Joan.                   3.5

Ali.                       3

Norma.                2.5

Lynda.                  1

Sue.                      1

SQUAD 1 -1.30pm Hcap Game1 Game2 Game3 Game4 Total Scratch Total Hcap CATEGORY
NORMA 32 152 152 182 139 625 753 L
KEITH 20 171 213 166 166 716 796 1
ALEX 37 168 146 139 168 621 769 2
KEVIN 49 136 118 147 139 540 736 1
PETER S 53 129 130 127 148 534 746 2
BOB 27 241 227 133 199 800 908 1
JOHN B 46 164 133 168 163 628 812 2
MANDY 77 112 115 107 118 452 760 L
GEOFF 59 106 131 175 130 542 778 2
DAVE P 41 162 118 148 152 580 744 2
LES 66 118 130 124 129 501 765 L
JOHN M 35 155 213 130 170 668 808 2
ROGER 46 149 141 169 208 667 851 2
PETE N 49 153 145 169 140 607 803 2
NEIL 37 163 168 182 154 667 815 3
SQUAD 2 – 4.30PM Total Scratch Total Hcap CATEGORY
GARY 26 214 213 225 211 863 967 1
SUE 36 159 132 137 165 593 737 L
PHIL 25 181 150 196 224 751 851 1
SHARRON 40 153 204 160 213 730 890 L
MARK 35 147 156 196 170 669 809 2
CHERRY 39 96 157 138 127 518 674 L
BARRY H 34 160 155 176 125 616 752 2
GINNY 58 136 142 100 106 484 716 L
JOHN C 47 135 146 129 135 545 733 2
ANNIE 67 136 184 167 159 646 914 L
BARBARA 65 140 126 116 107 489 749 L
ROY 45 160 195 131 106 592 772 2
MALCOLM 34 172 145 198 147 662 798 2
JOAN 63 96 146 82 147 471 723 2
BAZ 56 131 119 152 135 537 723 2